In: Mindset

Hypervigilance – When looking for Danger is Dangerous?
October 30, 2021

Our autonomic nervous system is composed of two parts, a fight or flight element and a rest and digest element.
The rest and digest part is responsible for sleep, sex, recovery, digestion and absorption of food. The thrive piece,
the fight or flight is like the body’s response to the night sensor being activated. The breathing speeds up, the pulse quickens and muscles tense in order to respond to a threat. It’s us gearing up for action. Survival.

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Poetry can change lives (at least mine)
May 26, 2021

Talent is a good start. Then comes the refinement and building of momentum. Getting in and out of flow is a big part of the process. The energy that comes with movement is amazing. Life flows out of the lips and through the body and cascades down.

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OKR with Marcos Barros
Using OKRs For Your Personal Growth
May 13, 2021

In this blog post you can learn to apply OKRs in at a personal level to achieve your goals without falling prey of performing arduous tasks that eventually demotivate you.

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